1996 in Women's Soccer League

L.League record broken
The L-League or the Japan Ladies Soccer League kicked off to its season on August 18. One match ended with an amazing score of 16 to 1. Nikko Shoken literally overpowered newly promoted team Oki Electric with this league record. Also, one player succeeded in putting in 10 goals!!--a record number for an individual in one game. She's Linda Medalan, member of the bronze winning Norwegian team at the Atlanta Olympic Games.
Michiyo's Note: I met Linda when she just started playing here in 1994. She told me she was taking a year off from the police department to play with Nikko Shoken. But she became homesick from time to time. Seeing that she's still here, I guess she's found that life in Japan is not bad, and she's certainly standing out among the other players.

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