Director: Nakao Ikemiya
Choreographer: Nakao Ikemiya /Noriko Kumagai
Sound Composer/Sound Technician: Hiroyuki Hatada
Lighting Technician: Reiko Fukuda
Stage Manager: Takayuki Kuroda
Assistant Director: Masako Ueno
Costume Adviser: Yoshiko Wakabayashi
Executive Producer: Dieter Strehly (DIE&DAS)
Creative Organizer: Satoyu Oyamada
Adviser: Shin-ichi Tagawa

Theater de meervaart, Amsterdam
die theater Kuenstlerhaus, Image Tanz Fes'95. Wien

LENGTH: 80minutes

Yutaka Koga, Isshu Ochiai
Hideyuki Okaniwa, Kazuo Kanbayashi
Kaori sato, Kenzo Kusuda, Nobuko Takahashi etc.
/Noriko Kumagai, Nakao Ikemiya

The key word is "ZAI" one of the characters of a compound word meaning existence in Japanese.In this work, Nomade-s presents three themes related to "ZAI": having material or spritual being, living, and the living being, and expressing our will, power and the sense of living with physical movements.The dance company believes that dance will remain just as powerful in the computerized society of the future and in any country in the world because dance can exist with society, thoughts, philosophy, words and gestures. And the relationship of dance element is always independent, just as each particle of space dust is.

"Intertwined Bodies" Rumpf 95/9.20(Sueddeutsche Zeitung)
It concerns fear of loss, the situation of the soul of humans living in big cities, and the changes stored up in a mysterious DNA.There is nothing that feeds on visionaries of the Far East.

"Amazing" Katja Schneider 95/9.22(Sueddeutsche Zeitung)
Many simultaneously developing solos put complex scenes together, in which there is something exciting to wee. Each scenery helps us to get over some sluggish scenes, some tedious ones, and the complete absense of a well-thoughtout dramaturgy.

"Things from Above - On Love, Angel and Existence Philosophy" Helmut Pleobst(Wiener Journal)
"Zai Existence", a performance too exuberant to see for one night, is in view of dance theater and philosophy surely the highlights of the dance festival Image'95.
The performance sometimes gives us the impression, as if the depth of the collective subconsciousness of an archaic society, which is transferred to the city, were shimmering on the stage, as if one could glnce over it.

"A Moment of Utopian Blues" Hakudai Yamano 96/4.12, (Weekly On Stage: The Performing Arts Journal)
As someone who live in the city and have little contact with other people, I could not help questioning why they are able to dance so violently and why they are so comfortable in performing a such strangely immaginative piece. But, nevertheless, Nomade-s provided me with a brief moment of utopian blues.


ABSENT / ZAI / vivitra1-5 / GUEST HEART / Standing